About me

As the stay at home mother of 4 children, I dedicated my life to my family. Being a mother was the one thing I knew I wanted to be above all else. However, I also knew that this was not all I wanted to be. As my youngest reached school age, I made the decision to embark on my own journey.

I've always been passionate about all things motherhood, so I chose to become a birth and postnatal doula. My job didn't only involve providing physical and emotional support to my clients, but also furnished them with evidence based information about their choices with regards to their care in pregnancy, their birth options, and how to navigate their way through those early days, weeks and months with their baby/babies in the way that felt best for them. It was a way to provide my clients with the tools they needed to empower and advocate for themselves.

At the same time, I was doing oracle card readings, which have provided my clients with amazing insights and lightbulb moments. I'm always blown away when I see how accurate the cards are. It never gets old for me! You'd be surprised by how many people use oracles to guide them in both their personal and professional lives. Many are quite shy about admitting to it for fear of being judged! My decks are like old friends to me. Each one has its own personality and its own unique way of getting its messages across. When it comes to reading for my clients, I'm guided to a particular deck based on the energy of the person I'm reading for and what my client would like guidance on.

You may be wondering, what do parenthood and oracle guidance have in common? In both cases you gather the information you need to move forward and then you take action. You do take action, right? Or do you second guess yourself? Do you find yourself procrastinating, feeling stuck, or both? That's where The Shift Method® comes in.

During my doula training with Nurturing Birth, I was introduced by my course facilitator and head of Nurturing Birth, Sophie Brigstocke, to the woman who would become my coach - Laura Husson. Her six week group subconscious transformation programme, which uses The Shift Method® techniques, changed my life. I had no idea why I had to do it, but I'm eternally grateful to my intuition for pushing me into taking the leap. As I always say, "Your intuition is your best friend." It was only after I had completed the course that I realised just how out of alignment with my true self I really was. I believed I was self aware...but in truth I actually had no idea. I had allowed myself to become too serious, cantankerous, and frankly, downright miserable. I totally lost touch with myself, to the point where I believed I was no good to or for anyone. Once I had (as I like to describe it) pressed the 'reset' button on myself and I changed, everything else changed around me. Not only am I happier, but so is everyone in my family.

I believe in and was inspired by the power of The Shift Method® so much because of what I experienced, that I learned how to help others with it. Through the teaching and guidance of Laura Husson, I became a qualified facilitator, and now I use the same techniques that helped me.

I've combined all my gifts and put them all in one place - right here, at your disposal. If you would like to be your true self, unapologetically - if you're ready to receive divine guidance and have the confidence to act upon it - I'm ready when you are.

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