What I do & FAQs
Wise Woman Insights and Transformations…
A magical combination - Channeled Guidance Sessions with Oracles and The Shift Method®

What do sessions with me look like?
The first thing I like to do is get to know you. I'd like to hear about you - where you are now and where you'd like to be. If you're drawn to what I do but aren't sure which direction you're headed in, or you just know inexplicably and intuitively that what I can offer will help you in some way, that's perfect. This is all part of your journey with me and everyone's journey is totally unique.
Next, I ask the oracles for divine guidance. The cards will provide insights into your current situation and also shed light on anything else which needs to be addressed.
Once we have discussed these insights in depth, it’s time to dig into the subconscious and begin your transformation journey.
What is The Shift Method®?
The Shift Method® encompasses the following techniques:
Ethical elements of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
TIME techniques
Life & Success Coaching
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
These techniques tap into your subconscious, freeing you from limiting beliefs, unhealthy habits and behaviour patterns, limiting decisions, old emotions, and so much more. I will use some or all of these tools.
The Shift Method® training I undertook also focused on trauma identification, which enables me to conduct transformation in a safe and effective manner. Having said this, I must point out that I am a coach and not a therapist. If you are seeing a therapist at present, please consult with them to see if working with me would be a good fit for you. In many cases coaching and therapy can really compliment each other, but it's always best to check.
Click here to see what my clients have to say about my work.
So here's my question to you…
Will you take hold of your own reins and make life happen for you and not to you? Will you take responsibility for your own transformation? If the answer to both these questions is YES, I'm here to provide you with all the tools you'll need to facilitate this incredible change. Become who you were always meant to be - fully in trust with yourself.
If you have any further questions, feel free to get in touch by simply clicking here.