

Georgia, USA

"Luisa is authentic, energetic, and has such a kind spirit. She knew the right questions to ask to allow me to change my view in an instant. If you are feeling lost and in need of a guide to facilitate your journey to more happiness, self-understanding, and fulfillment, Luisa has the tools to do that."



"Luisa supported me in getting clear on a decision that I wanted to make that had some tricky components. She was sensitive, asked insightful questions and held a beautiful space for me. That allowed me to go deep into how I felt, which led to clarity on the best course of action. Don't hesitate to contact Luisa to support you in making changes in your life."

Jo Ann

Washington, USA

"I was on a retreat, and Luisa, as a member of the retreat, freely offered to share her magic with each of us one evening.

I'm a naturally cautious person and when someone professes the ability to connect to spirit, I take it with a grain of salt until I've experienced their skill first-hand. I have only met a few women who I felt truly had a window into the insights of spirit. Luisa is one of them.

I watched as Luisa focused on each woman in the room, tapping into their energy and opening herself to the messages meant for them. I could see the women's faces reflect their astonishment over the truth of what Luisa was sharing with them.

When it was my turn, I have to say I was a bit surprised by what Luisa showed me about myself. It gave me a lot to consider and was just the message I needed to focus my energy and make the most of the retreat.

Luisa and her gentle, loving spirit connection made it a magical evening."



"As a life and business coach for mums I take my own self development very seriously. I am always working with other coaches who will see things through a different lens to help challenge my perspective and help me have those shifts I desire so I can grow as a person and grow my business. I worked with Luisa over some limiting decisions I had made about money and pricing which were in conflict with my own intentions of self care and also to an extent about the way I work with and support my clients. Luisa very quickly picked up what the key issue was and pointed out how contradictory my two belief systems were and how this was holding me back, and that part of this was not having enough belief in my own self worth as a coach. Luisa was a very gentle but direct guide who was able to support me in many ways to have this shift. I felt very safe and connected and very much heard and understood. I would recommend anyone looking to examine their decisions about their family life and career who wants to have a shift in a safe and loving space to work with Luisa."



"I have experienced two sessions with Luisa {so far} for subconscious transformation and shift. And believe you me, two sessions is all it took for me to get unstuck!!

I was amazed at how the shifts just started falling in place! This was mindblowing. Never ever have I seen nor experienced anything like it.

Luisa is a thorough professional, well trained and extremely skilled at the work she does. My life has changed rather "shifted" for the better and I couldn't thank her enough for this!!

Thank you so much for helping me Luisa! Eternally grateful!"



"I have been lucky enough to have several readings with Luisa. I remember the first time I booked a reading with her I didn't know her but felt her energy and knew I needed to be immersed in it.

Luisa has an incredible ability to tap into what you want answers to without you needing to say anything. You can rest assured any messages spirit has for you will come through Luisa via her oracle readings.

You can ask about specific issues but now I like to just let whatever needs to come through come through. Luisa's readings are always so on point it's a truly magical thing to be on the receiving end of.

Having someone focused entirely on you is not something we are necessarily used to but it's a beautiful thing. Do yourself a favour and gift yourself the experience of a reading with gorgeous Luisa."

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